Nov 2013

Nov 2013


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Update #3 The Phoenicians are leaving Phoenix

Jason got a job offer in St. George with my dad he couldn't refuse..... so we are moving Mid February.

Definitely was NOT planning on that one.  Scared and nervous, but excited for a new adventure.
I reached out to a connection at Sunrise Children's in Vegas and was able to secure a part-time job there for myself.  There just isn't the availability in St. George yet to do what I love (Pediatric Feeding).  In the future I might think about opening my own practice, but for now that seems too daunting seeing as how we'd also be trying to adjust to the move. This job in Vegas is an answer to prayers, and the fact it has totally fallen into place is a manifestation #1 this move is supposed to happen.
        Based on my credentials and amazing experiences I have had at Phoenix Children's Hospital, I was unofficially offered the position in Vegas before it was ever even posted online and before I had ever even really interviewed (just talked to the manager on the phone and emailed a resume).  Crazy, right? The other thing, is she initially wanted a full-time person but she told me she was willing to take me part time (a few consecutive 10 hour days) so that I would just commute in, stay for a couple days, and drive back.  Such a blessing.
        Granted, it will be hardest to go from the 4th largest hospital in the country and renowned intensive feeding program to a significantly smaller hospital... with colleagues who publish books like this one.....
But I have to tell myself that I really I wasn't planning to work full-time forever anyway because Jason and I do want to have a family eventually.... so I think this could be a great transitioning time.

..... But I'll still miss this place. Sigh......

Manifestation #2
We bought a house.  We put an offer on an incredible shortsale in December when we were contemplating moving to St. George because we knew there is no obligation with a short sale.... and the bank notifies us the day after Christmas to tell us they had accepted our offer (which was low for what the house is worth because we were expecting them to counter-offer).  WHAT????!!!!!  Fastest Shortsale Acceptance Ever!!!  Annnnnnnd, we just closed on it this last week so even though it seems too good to be true, it's starting to become a reality.

I am so excited that we will not be in an apartment anymore..... especially for things like this:
Thank you UPS for moving our trashcan in front of these packages.  I am sure all of the people who walk through the hallway will not notice that our trashcan is the only one in front of our door.... and that there are two boxes behind it. Sheesh.
The interesting thing, is when we moved to Phoenix we made a list of all of our needs and wants in a house...... This home has every single item from the list..... except that it is significantly larger than what we wanted.  LoL.  I guess if you are going to have to sacrifice on one of your preferences, probably not such a bad area to have to sacrifice--especially since now I can have the craft room I have always wanted.... separate from Jason's office... and the bedrooms.  So Excited.

So excited to be close to family, because we haven't really had that support in Phoenix.
So sad to leave our dear friends and some amazing colleagues.  We have several couples in our ward down here that have truly been our "family" since we've been here (Barber's and Bloods), and then had several others that have been so much fun to hang with (Buchanan's, Romney's, Molina's)... and the list goes on.  One of the VERY HARDEST things about the impending move is the fear that we will lose the friendships we have developed with these dear friends of ours and that they will all move on with their lives and whatever new friendships they develop.  I seriously have cried about it a few times..... and I may or may not be tearing-up right now just expressing it.  Sigh......... I just have to keep telling myself that if the friendships are really as strong as we think they are, that we will stay in touch and continue to get together.  It will just take a little more work/planning ;). ..... but thank heavens we will now have enough space in our new house that we can have visitors whenever we want! (a far cry different from the 750 sqft we currently reside in. haha)

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