Nov 2013

Nov 2013


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"The Three Mosquito-eers"

All for one and one for all..... Let's see if you are willing to join your friends in death now! Muwahahaha. Background: Mosquitoes LOVE me. My blood attracts them like Bella's attracts Edward. The last several mornings I have woken up with a mosquito bite that wasn't there when I went to bed. Obviously I was getting quite agitated with this scenario, especially since my mosquito bites swell to the size of a large gumball.
     The other day I read online that mosquitoes love humidity. I luringly took a shower, leaving the door cracked open, but keeping a watchful eye alert at all times to make sure I was not ambushed. As I was wrapping up my shower, I peeked through the curtain to see that my plan had worked!  The mosquitoes had landed on the moisture covered bathroom mirror. With Jason's help, we smashed two of the three mosquitoes on the mirror. We have left the smashed mosquitoes on the mirror and the message pictured below as a warning to the remaining mosquito.
I am sure those little insects are pretty intelligent, as manifested by my necessary use of a stratagem to lure them into the open during daylight. The remaining of the three mosquitoes must have been intimidated by the scene of such a profane message next to the remains of his two partners in crime. However, he is obviously the most intelligent of them all because I have not received a night-time bite since writing this message. He must have moved on to greener pastures.... or expired.


  1. bahahahah...oh sis... :) How I love you! You are so smart.

  2. Hahaha oh Dana. You are funny. I can't believe you really wrote that on your mirror.
