October 2014
Jason's brother Rocky, and his wife Joni and their two boys live out in Alabama (you might remember my blog post from Last October when we went to go visit). Most of Jason's family (2 of his 3 sisters, and his mom) and us all went out to meet up with them in the pan handle of Florida. The area is called Destin. It is BEAUTIFUL. Clear (most of the time except after storms), Blue, WARM water, and soft white sand beaches. It is a Paradise there. This was our first REAL vacation since the baby, so it was kind of nice for it to be such a low-key/relaxing one. It was also so much fun that my sister Jaimee and her husband Joey made the drive up from Orlando to see us!!!! It was like a 7 hour drive to only stay one night and head back. Crazy. But we were SO glad they did it so that we were able to see them at all.
First time in the Ocean--Didn't even phase him where the water was so warm!
Jaimee and Joey interacting with Lucas. It was funny because he seriously spent most of the trip sleeping because he was either A) squinting due to bright sun, and would then fall asleep or B) Would Hear the waves (has a wave sound machine that he uses at night at home) and would almost IMMEDIATELY tap out. So Funny.
He also has been smiling for a while, but on this trip he started smiling a ton for extended periods of time! Check out this cute video below: (you may need to go to the actual blog website vs. viewing in email format to see the video)
Just moving image above, and below is the actual video with sound :)
This baby carrier was a LIFE saver with all of the walking around we did--ESPECIALLY in the airport. And he loved it. Added Bonus
"Cute little baby toesies!" I'm pretty sure we heard little cousin Gage say that AT LEAST 100 times... and we giggled and loved it every time :)
And cute little baby dimples (cheeks and legs)!! LoL
Love being able to play around with my main-squeeze
Not sure why the water color looks freaky here.... didn't look like that in real life! haha.
All the boys
Jason Feeding Lucas to an Alligator
First time in the swimming pool, and LOVED it!
Not sure what happened in this picture??? See my Hand? This is when I realized it was probably about time to get a new iPhone..... but then still had to wait until Christmas. Haha.
FudPucker's Gator Restaurant
And their Gator Pond
And Lucas First time fishing... and for Gators! Not many people can say they've done that!!! [Right here below, the video is available (on the live blog).]
Hanging out with Aunt Natalie
And Daddy
And Nana and all the Boys
And Momma.... Basically Lucas was the hit of the vacay.... Everyone wanted to hold him.
The whole gang.... minus Daddy who was taking the picture.
And it was on this vacation mom realized that baby DEFINITELY has daddy's eyes. HOORAY!!!
The Plane ride home. He was seriously such a champ! Slept most of both of the flights. He only cried out once.... right as someone was ABOUT to sit down by us (we flew SouthWest so it's open seating)... and they chose to go somewhere else. So we had the whole row to ourselves, and got to keep the ONLY empty seat on the plane. Nice Work Son!
3 months old now son!!!
Sporting an AWESOME Fohawk!!!
For Halloween this year, I was determined to MAKE Lucas' costume. I was racking my brain for ideas.... and then I remembered Jason and I had Captain America and Black Widow costumes... and if I could manage to make a Baby Hulk costume that it would be TOTALLY AWESOME! So I got online and found a tutorial about putting muscles into a costume. Here it is in progress as I'm trying it on him below:
Practicing his HULK SMASH fist
Yes.... I know... Hulk has a Binky..... But he had to stop himself from getting MAD. I was seriously pretty dang proud of myself as I'm really not much of a seamstress, and have never done ANYTHING like this before.... But was determined and on a mission. I love it when a plan comes together (name that movie. heh).
And yes.... That's drool all down the front of his costume.... nicely absorbing into the sponge muscles. Yum. LoL.... He went through this drooly stage that lasted a few weeks.... but then didn't even start teething until several months later. Weird.
Other Happenings:
Yup. That Happened. Time to move up to Level 2 Diapers I guess.
We Spent a good 30 minutes looking for his binky and couldn't find it anywhere.... then I felt something while lifting him up..... totally stuck in a fat roll! Was laughing my Head off.
Jason trying on the ErgoBaby for size.... used it to watch baby and do yard work at the same time. Efficient, ey?
Lucas got TONS of Auntie Sid Time at the lake.... clear through Mid November as a matter of fact! Yeah, we're crazy like that.... but only because we all had wet suits. Lucas just enjoyed the rocking of the boat and the music, and passed out every time.
Conveniently Falling asleep on me pretty regularly BEFORE I can put him into his bed. Stinker.
See that smile? He KNOWS he's a stinker.
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