Nov 2013

Nov 2013


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Playing Catch-up on 2014, Part 1 (February through June)

February 2014  
We went down to Phoenix for Kelsi's baby shower, and to visit our other good friends (The Bloods), and also got to spend a little time with the Buchanan's, Romney's, and Schlink's which was fun as well.

While down there we went hiking.  Kelsi was 33 weeks and totally hiked Camelback mountain without really breaking a sweat!  So impressive.  I was 19 1/2 weeks (close enough that I just said "20" with my fingers for the pic, because 19 would have been WAY too hard). Nobody believed me, or could tell…. but I felt that pregnant because I would definitely get winded easier than I would before!

This was also my last month working for Sunrise Children's in Las Vegas as I completed the transition to Intermountain Healthcare in St. George. I worked with some fabulous people down there, but I was ready to be working in St. George because commuting and being away from Jason for two nights was starting to be SO TAXING.

Funny (in hindsight) story.  My second to last week working in Vegas, I totally locked my keys in the trunk RIGHT BEFORE I was supposed to get on the road to head back to St. George.  UGH.  Seems like an easy fix, right? WRONG.  Unfortunately, the children's hospital down there has been around for a long time, and now is located in a very sketchy part of town, a ways back off of the strip…. Sketchy like 24 hour security guards to escort you in the dark, there have been guns fired in the parking garage, and regular drug busts…. So when I call it the "Ghetto," it is truly not an ill-placed term.  Anyway. So back to my story. I work in the Ghetto, yes… and accordingly, always keep my trunk lever in the "locked" position.  That way I can place valuables into my trunk and not worry about them easily being stolen.
… Great idea until you throw your belongings into the trunk, with the keys you were also holding, but don't realize it until AFTER you've closed the trunk.  Now I'm standing there in the dark with no keys, and no wallet--as it is a valuable and was just thrown in the trunk.  I call Jason in a panic and he says "Don't stress about it babe, we have home and auto." So I call home and auto and explain the situation and they tell me that they'll send someone to unlock the car.  I tell them that won't do the job, because I need an actual locksmith to make a key so we can unlock my trunk lever to then pull it and access the keys.  They verbalize understanding and tell me they found someone and to sit tight.  45 minutes later I get a call that the "locksmith" is on their way.  20 minutes after that I get a call from the gentleman, only to find out, he is not actually a locksmith, but he was just planning to pop the lock in my car…. and I again had to explain why that wouldn't do me any good…. then he proceeded to tell me he couldn't help me. ARGH
   I call Home and Auto back totally frustrated and lay into them.  We then manage to find a 24 hour locksmith (as ALL of the others had already closed as it was 9pm already).  I talked with them and explained the situation.  They told me they would have someone there within 20 minutes…. 20 minutes passes and no contact.  I call the Locksmith directly and lay into them, they assure me the person should be there at any time.  Then 20 minutes later they call me and say, "Oh it appears that they machine needed to make a key stopped working, but they can get to you first thing tomorrow morning at 8 am, and we'll give you a 10 percent discount for the inconvenience." ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEEEEEEE????!!!!  So now I've wasted 2.5 hours of my time, with no success.  I tell Jason the bad news, and he says, "Well, I'll be there in an hour and 45 minutes with your spare key…. wish I would have just gotten on the road with them almost 3 hours ago now when we first talked about it." Yeah… me too…. sorry love… UGH!  By this point I am SO exhausted because I worked a 13 hour day, plus working on this for a few hours.  Accordingly, I made this pathetic excuse for a bed on the tile floor in an effort to catch at least a few zzzz's before having to make the drive home.
 Jason arrived around midnight and we got home just before 2am. Long Day and Night!  However, it made it even easier to say "goodbye" to Vegas and the commute the following week For Good.
 The really ironic part of this WHOLE key situation, is do you remember my crazy story about the keys and the move during the February (2013)?  It was exactly, to the day, one year ago from this event.  Guess it's a sign I should just hide under my covers, and not schedule anything important, and never leave the house on this day moving forward. HA!

March 2014
March and April were the months of doing several craft projects… "Nesting" was kicking in in full force! lol. I plan to post about the craft projects I did in a separate blog :)

This is me at my new job (well in the bathroom mirror of my new job. Ha!)… still not looking very pregnant, and documenting accordingly.

We also did A LOT of golfing.  I told Jason I wanted to enjoy the range as much as I could before it was anatomically impossible to swing a golf club anymore…. and that time wasn't too far in the future.
25 weeks Prego. And This picture depicts going 5 times in a one week period.  Jason grinned from ear to ear every time I would ask him if he thought we could go to the range that day. HA!

April 2014
I Was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Ugh.  Not sure how that one happened seeing as how I don't really have a family history of it, and I had NONE of the predisposing factors… but it did.  Oh well. Roll with the punches…. Lots more about roller coaster of emotions associated with this diagnosis in my personal journal.

We also went down to Phoenix to visit the Barbers and their baby girl Emery who was born the end of March.  We are so excited that she and Lucas will be so close in age! We had kind of unofficially (but also kind of officially at the same time) planned for it to happen like that….. though if things would have worked out perfectly we would have BOTH had babies in March… but things often don't work out exactly by our timetables. However, they are close enough that hopefully it will make for some fun play-dates and good excuses for them to come and visit since we not longer live in the same state. Boo.
Here is me with a tiny-pokey belly at 30 weeks. It's about time! Yahoo!… However… I have been told on occasion it looks more like a burrito that I ate for lunch, rather than an actual baby… meh. It's still progress :)

May 2014
Stefanie (Jason's sister) got married! Her husband is great, AND it's the last wedding of the Wright siblings... Yahoo! I always get so stressed having to pick out wedding and picture attire.  Speaking of, I was VERY relieved that this dress ended up fitting okay for the wedding. This might sound silly... but when I still didn't have a cute-pokey belly at 32 weeks I was nervous I still would just look like I had a "pooch" or a "tire" in the dress  (as depicted below) and I was VERY self conscious accordingly.
However, Come 34 weeks gestation and the time of the wedding, my belly decided to finally pop out so that I was obviously pregnant. Phew! Seriously, though…. it was so nice for people to actually start asking me "when I was due" and to know I didn't just look "soft" anymore! LoL. 
We also did family pictures while we were in SLC, and they turned out really well... however this one made me laugh because Jason and I are the very center of the picture. It made us laugh because we felt like the photographer should have centered the picture around Jason's mom.... or around the grand kids.... but not around the pregnant lady. haha.

We also decided to pick up the boat from storage while we were up for the wedding and bring it home. Do you see all of this beautiful weather?  We thought it would be a great time accordingly.  Well, we pick up the boat and get on the road and a snow storm rolls in!  There were semi trucks sliding off the road… it was an absolute mess!  People looked at us pulling our boat and must have thought we were absolutely crazy!

June 2014
First babies are soooo exciting and yet terrifying at the same time…. Terrifying because you have no idea what the birth experience will be like, or what type of a mother you will be.  Exciting because you have so many firsts, and you have so much time to think about and plan for the baby…. Like here where I was practicing putting on my baby wrap, and Leidy got to be the guinea pig :)
 She looks a lot bigger than she is in this picture… because technically she is actually sitting on top of my belly for the picture when I was about 35 weeks pregnant.
 I was about 36 weeks pregnant here. 
And about 37 weeks pregnant here. 
 These two pictures were early evidence that Leidy and Lucas were destined to be the best of friends.  She seriously LOVED cuddling up next to my belly

 I wrote a lot in my personal journal about this, but I loved being able to wakesurf during pregnancy. So often I felt like pregnancy included a huge list of all of the things I couldn't do/eat. So when my OB told me if I listened to my body (because I had done it so much before and you are moving pretty slowly) I could continue to waksesurf as long as I was able.  So I did.  I loved it so much because it made me feel like I was still "living,"while also incorporating my baby in something I loved to do so much, like we were able to do it together.  I felt the same way about doing yoga throughout my pregnancy.
This one makes me laugh because my stance had to be so wide when pregnant that in shots like this, my belly could totally disappear between my legs. Haha!
39 weeks!!!  I remember thinking, "We've made it son! You can come at any time! Seriously, Any time!" …. Little did I know it would still be almost 2 more weeks. Heh. 

I also had previously had maternity pictures done the end of June when I was 38 weeks.  I had originally cancelled them because the stress of having to go shopping for a cute outfit was just too much. LoL.  However, my photographer (currently lives out of town and was just visiting) called me and gave me a chance to reconsider when she had a cancellation.  She told me I could just wear a top from my closet and do something cute like tie a ribbon around my belly..... So that was exactly what I did!!  I was glad that she felt the urge to call me and give me the opportunity to reconsider.  My hair and make-up worked fabulously, and I was able to capture my pregnancy with our first son. 

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