Nov 2013

Nov 2013


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Saved by a Complete Stranger

I purchased a Cupcake Decorating Class groupon back in December 2011.  When I finally got around to signing up to use it in May before it expired, the company was so booked that I had to schedule clear in August which seemed forever away.
       Needless to say, it was here before I knew it, and I had surely forgotten. Good thing I received that reminder email.  I was in an absolute RUSH to get out of the door in the morning because we had just come back from a 30 mile bike ride.  I had enough time to shower, and that was it.
       I ran out the door towel drying my hair, buttoning my shirt, and carrying my make-up. After I had been driving for about 15 minutes I realized, I hadn't brought any identification, credit cards, debit cards, nothing. I thought to myself, "Self--you have a full tank of gas.  You are going straight to the cupcake class and coming home.  You'll be fine.... besides, you are already 15 minutes into your drive.  No point to turn around now."
       About 10 minutes later I hear this REALLY loud humming noise.  So loud, it actually scared me.  There were two trucks next to me, one of them a very large truck, so I thought it was possible it was a diesel.  I moved over into the carpool lane to get away from it (because in AZ you can drive in the carpool lane on Saturdays and outside of peak traffic hours).... but the sound continued.  Shortly thereafter, I saw smoke arising from my back passenger side.  I panicked and pulled over to the shoulder on the left side because it was closest to where I was, there were lots of cars out, and I didn't know what was happening.
        I got out of my car to find my tire is totally shredded, and I am on the left side of the freeway with nowhere to go or any way to get across. I called Jason a few times, but of course he didn't answer because (of all places) he was in a funeral for a member of our church.  Next call--The groupon lady to tell her I was only 5 miles away but would not be making her class as I was stranded on the side of the 17 with a blown tire.  Ugh.
        I stayed in my car, because I don't know what else to do because it was so hot outside, with my car rocking every time someone drove by.  I was getting so nervous and scared.  I finally texted Jason saying, "EMERGENCY!!!"  And as I'm sitting there in my car crying because I don't know what to do, I noticed there was a Tacoma pulling over directly behind me.
        First thought: They are going kind of fast, I hope they don't hit me.  Second thought: Oh good, it's a male.  Third thought: Oh no, it's a male, do I tell him my husband is coming and he can just keep on going even though I haven't actually talked to Jason yet? (I get nervous around random males. lol).
        I rolled down my window, and I saw metal mouth.  Literally a mouth full of metal.  I'm not talking braces.  I was trying hard to not freak out. First thing out of his mouth (with a completely stiff--immovable jaw) "Hi. I'm Chad. Don't freak out. I know it looks kind of crazy.  I just barely had surgery on a broken jaw so that's why I can't move it and I may be hard to understand."
         I got out of my car and asked him how he was able to stop so fast.  He told me he saw my tire smoking and saw me pull over.  He got off at the next exit a few miles up, got back on the freeway southbound to get off again and get on northbound just so he could see if I needed any help.  WHAT IN THE WORLD??!!!  How Sweet?  Who Does that??!!!  There are people like that out there?  Sometimes I have wondered if they existed!
          He then tells me I am not safe on the left side of the freeway, and I needed to move my car immediately.  I'm thinking........ Really?  Move?  How..... Have you seen my tire?  He then proceeds to tell me my tire has enough left that if I just go really really slow I may be okay.... AND that I have to get back into my car and we are going to merge over 5 lanes of traffic.  I look up at the traffic and begin to cry.  I don't see any openings anywhere!  Is he crazy?  And why am I such an idiot for pulling over on the left side!  What was I thinking?  Oh wait.... that's right.... I WASN'T THINKING.  I was in panic mode. lol.
          When I start to cry he's like "Don't worry.  The plan is that I'll get in my truck too with my flashers on as well.  You just have to not afraid to go slow, take it one lane at a time, and we'll hope other drivers are being cautious of their surroundings and will slow down, go around us, or make room.  Just follow me." .... Still sounded pretty intimidating, but I didn't really know what other option I had at that point.
           Immediately after we had this conversation, the FIRST opening in the carpool lane I'd seen in since we'd been talking for the last 15 minutes pops up.... I gulp.  Looked at him and said, "Well.... looks like now or never.  Lets do it."  We ran and jumped in our cars.  The first few lanes were the scariest because the cars are naturally the fastest.  Cars were screeching on their brakes, throwing the bird, flying around us, and I thought..... if only you had any idea..... the last few lanes weren't too bad, though and several drivers were actually courteous by slowing down and letting us in.
           My heart was pounding. The whole merge was/is kind of a blur.  Chad told me afterwards I was very brave because that could have been a suicide mission.  Good thing he told me that AFTER and NOT before. LoL.  He then proceeds to pull out my "donut" (pretend spare that is really just to get you to the tire shop), jack, other tools that I don't know what they were.... thank heavens I at least knew where my wheel lock was. lol.
           He then gets down on the side of the road and does everything for me as I just stand there in disbelief. The thought that a complete stranger would do something like that for me was almost overwhelming.  I was kind of choked up and couldn't really talk.... which was probably for the best anyway at risk of looking like a baby. Instead I opted to take a few pictures of the back of his head because I assumed it would be weird to ask him for a picture with him facing the camera.
           Jason finally gets there just as Chad is finishing up tightening the tire, so of course Jason needs to share the "manhood" and jump in on the action ;). Jason finds out that Chad plays baseball down here and had his jaw broken by a line drive (bounced off his glove or something when he went to snatch it?).  Jason asked him what compelled him to stop and turn around and he said. "Well..... when I saw Her pulling over to the left side I thought, this girl is in trouble, and I can only hope that someday when I am married someone would stop and do the same for my wife."  What a sweetheart.  He jumped in his truck when we were taken care of, and he was off. ............ I was very glad I didn't make a stupid decision and send him away based on my first impression.
The blessings of the day do not stop there. We go to the tire shop, to find out even though the tire that blew was purchased over 3 years ago, the tire was still slightly under the mileage warranty, so I only had to pay $25 for a brand new tire.  I couldn't even believe it.  I was just whining to my mom the other day, about how expenses seem to keep piling up, and how do people ever catch a break.
         Well..... apparently this was my break.  God is good.  Sometimes things feel so rough, and other times you can't help but know that not only is there a God who has a plan for each of us, but he loves each and every one of his children and wants to help us whenever he can.... and he just has to hope individuals here on earth are listening to the promptings and inklings they receive.

Per Jason's perspective, it was just a blown tire, a chivalrous guy, and a good warranty.

For me it was so much more than that................................................. it was life changing.
Thank you, Chad, for teaching me what it truly means to be a 'Good Samaritan.'


  1. Ahhhhhh! Scary to have that happen on the freeway! What an absolutely nice guy to go to the extra effort to stop, and how brave of both of you to take a crippled car across the freeway. Glad you didn't leave your phone at home too.
    Dave and I stopped once to help a couple of women once on the side of the freeway, they were on a curve so you couldn't see them until you were almost past them. They said they had been stuck there with no help and no phone for over an hour.
    Glad you are safe, and have a new $25 tire (yay for a good warranty)

  2. I sobbed through that whole story! Scary yet inspiring. What a wonderful ending to a very frightening experience. I am so glad everything worked out. Thank you Chad, wherever you are! I love you Dana!
