Nov 2013

Nov 2013


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas trees, baby teeth, and missing "Daddy"

Christmas is almost here!!!!  We pulled out our baby Christmas tree.  Even though it is super tiny, it still just makes me feel so much more in the Christmas spirit having it set up.  It is also such a blast to remember the trips we have been on (thanks to the tradition we stole from Rocky and Joni) as we put up the additional unique ornaments. 
The Holidays also make me feel more crafty and give me the motivation to do crafts/projects that have been on the back burner..... like this t-shirt scarf.  Now  I just have to make a cute flower clip for it..... baby steps. 
 Now as most of you know, no parent can seem to make a blog post without talking about their children..... So here is our blurb about our "baby" and how fast she is growing up.  She is losing her baby teeth, and her big teeth are starting to grow in!  I had NO IDEA dogs lost their baby teeth just like adults do!  Her right lateral incisor is loose as well.... but seeing as how she doesn't know who the tooth fairy is, I didn't think she would appreciate my assistance in its extraction, So I figured I will just let nature take its course.
 And this video is seriously the cutest thing.  "Daddy" left us today (as he seems to every day--this time it was church calling related.... if it's not that, it's school or work), and Leidy was SO SAD!!!  This video was taken after she had already been crying for like 2-3 minutes and continuing to cuddle me in an effort to console herself.  When she's jumping it is because she is trying to grab the door handle.  I had never seen her so sad before when Jason has left, because usually she is just consoled by one of us still being present (usually me)..... however I guess "Daddy" being gone so much is starting to get to her, just like it gets to me.  Cute little baby.