In the LEFT arm I had
1) Blood drawn to test my immunities
2) Seasonal Flu Shot
3) TB (Tuberculosis) Test
In the RIGHT arm I had the following vaccines to bring my immunizations all up to date:
4) Hepatitis B Vaccine
5) TDAP (I believe: Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis...?)
Are you counting those? I was poked 5 different times! Ouch!.... However, when I went back today and passed my TB test and got this bad boy...... it ALMOST made it all worth it. ;)
PS, I was told by the nurse (and she was right) that massaging the vaccine site and moving the arm a lot (ESPECIALLY the day of the vaccine and the next) dramatically decreases muscular soreness in the upcoming days. Gave it a try, and it worked like a charm. Why didn't I think of that? Note to self: Add this to gems of knowledge list for future use.
Your work badge is so OFFICIAL it kills me. Love you! :) Stop letting them poke you with needles.